Taking table top games to new levels

Be part of the next huge trend in table top gaming with Gamedrawers
With Game Drawers you can now play your fav games inside and out, enjoy sieges, storm proper dungeons, take the battle inside the enemies strong holds and castles, just imagine!
With the Gaming Drawers concept you could offer your customers something truly unique in the games market, remarkably a product
​That enhances stealth and rogue like games preventing their opponent from seeing turns of movement and deployment.
That can fit a 6 foot table gaming area into a 2 foot space.
​That is always set up ready to play.
​That they can carry with one hand to friends houses and club meetings.
​That always protects their figures and playing pieces from loss and damage.
That stands out in any environment and excites interest.
​Just some of the benefits that we can help you offer to your customers
​​​"Why play your favourite games on a table and a flat board with everything else left to your imagination? ​We at Game Drawers believe you should expect more, more atmosphere, more excitement and less messing about with cluttered tables and clunky boxes."
​​Hail! Generals and Commanders
Are you tired of interacting with bulky and boring terrain, taking lids off buildings and stacking them up, or maybe having to avoid terrain building all together to make the game less annoying, or even being limited to a range of ready damaged terrain because there seems no other way to use your figures once the actions moves to a building? Sometimes even damaging your figures and certainly damaging the immersion while getting frustrated with games that fall flat as soon as the game moves to a building.
What makes Games Drawers and the War Drawers concept so unique?

Forget all the other great features its the gaming experience and immersion where the Game Drawers system really shines
Imagine playing your favourite games within a proper environment, playing with actual tension building FoW even when the enemy moves! Figures actually advance naturally across floors, fighting in stairwells, across dangerous passage ways, climbing walls, using drones, landing on roofs, crawling through dungeons, activating traps, using cover to it's maximum advantage?
How many USPs?
A world first totally unique gaming system that allows players to recreate the thrill of wargaming many different and largely ignored scenarios that have been historically avoided because of the complexities involved in seamless floor to floor combat. The various scenarios sometimes require and make desirable addendums to existing rules and specialists character like the Grappler, drone and war dogs (see prototype page).

Bored games and tired old Mats
Developed by our hugely experienced team the Game Drawers system utilises a set of registered IP designs that allows gamers to take their gaming experiences to a whole new level. Join us on the journey and be one of the first to simply blow the market apart using this uniquely designed product. There are opportunities for many types of gaming business's and IP holders to boost market demand as this concept gathers momentum, don't let yourself be left behind by your competitors.

Game Drawers for non-wargames!
Next time you are looking for Captain Mustard to solve the murder you may have to check out the basement or even the roof?
Picture being able to role play a character going through escape rooms while solving puzzles, avoiding a fire or even surviving a sinking boat?
Sounds impossible, well now it's not with our uniquely designed game concept.

Prototype stage but not for much longer
Our team are currently finishing prototypes that will soon be ready to show, these will be taken to clubs, meets and shows and reinforced through social media and videos to generate awareness.
We have already done some market research and so far it has been overwhelmingly positive. We plan to support each released theme before and after it's launch and provide our trade customers with back up and support.
If you are a gaming IP holder, a rule developer, publisher, figure producer or any other creator of games related manufacturing or production then we would be very interested in talking to you about the limitless potential of Game Drawers.
Next phase production, do you want to be part of it?

Contact us for further information
​​If you are interested in finding out more and expanding your business do not hesitate to contact us, our experienced team would love to hear from you and discuss development ideas and talk further about production, rules and theme expansions including accessories and upgrades.​​​​​​​​

With the Gaming Drawers concept you could offer your customers something truly unique in the games market, talk to us about driving your sales and boosting your range.
Any theme or concept that involves a structure or could involve a structure would benefit in sales from our unique design concept and development ideas.
​​​"I can't really go all in on XXXX terrain because I'm not big on ruins. I scratch build cardboard scenery- full buildings with working doors, roof tiles to facilitate blind exploration missions..."
PJake at DakkaDakka Forums.
Not currently taking bookings as of 21/01/25
If you are trade and have any further enquires contact us on the following email address:

Prototype Hotel/Embassy available for demonstrations and display
A unique adaptable, concept product that will not only further sales of your existing ranges, due to it's compatibility, but also provides a totally new, desirable gaming concept that can be further enhanced with upgrades and add ons.